What I'm working on
0 comment Tuesday, September 9, 2014 |
When I left Denver, I was unemployed, but wanted to land something in DC working on transportation policy. I wanted to do this because I think Americans have been doing transportation policy half - assed for years, and we need to spend more money on, and pay more attention to bikes, pedestrians, and mass transit users.
I now work for Transportation for America. We are working in a variety of ways to try and influence legislators to make some hard choices about transportation, basically to prioritize the bike/ped/transit stuff over new road construction.

What we are up against is a 50 year old industry of road planners and builders who cut their teeth working on the Interstate Highway system. That system is pretty much completed, and it's great, we just need to refocus on the part of getting around that doesn't involve owning and operating a car.
My daily work consists of following things that are happening in congress, communicating that to lots of other people, and depending on how we like it, helping to make a lot of noise in support or opposition. So far it seems to have been pretty effective. I work with a lot of great people who are far more accomplished at pulling this off than I, and it's inspiring to see their artistry.
If you think this is something you want to follow, Brendan has kindly placed a link over here --->
If you click on it, you can look at what we are all about, and ultimately sign up for alerts and news. Every so often, we'll probably ask you to call your congress people to tell them you love what they are doing, or maybe that you hate it. Either way, they need to get feedback from the public they represent to be effective.
I hope it works out, and I'll try to let you, dear reader, know if there are any big changes on the horizon. In the meantime, the best thing you can do is let your reps know that you choose to get around by bike, and that they haven't been giving cyclists very much attention for years. It's time to change that.
