Abe Lincoln rides a Diamondback
0 comment Monday, June 30, 2014 |
Today, in celebration of Earth Day, the Wild Oats (now Whole Foods) in Capitol Hill offered composting and recycling lessons as well as free bicycle tune-ups (provided by Fly Bike Shop) in order to greenwash their corporate image and to get more people to buy overpriced tomatoes.
Bitterness aside, it was actually quite cool. I waited in line for a couple minutes and a mechanic gave my bike a quick tune-up and fixed a few minor issues that I had been having.
Here is a friendly mechanic tuning up my bike:

As I was waiting in line, Abraham Lincoln showed up on his Diamondback. Abraham Lincoln likes to go to various natural foods stores throughout Colorado, on a daily basis, and talk to people about abortion (I have now seen him at 3 different natural foods stores). It is the only thing the guy ever talks about. When I first met him, I liked him because A) he bares a striking resemblance to Abraham Lincoln, more so than any impersonator I've seen and B) he often wears a sweater covered in American Flags - who wouldn't like that? When I learned that he was absolutely nuts, his stock definitely declined in my book. But now that I know that he rides a bike, well, I'm really not sure how to feel about him.
Here is Honest Abe's bike. Note the cellphone from 1995 bungeed to the back. Also note that the bike is not locked. He asked my girlfriend to watch it for him:

Here the Rail-Splitter enjoys a delicious, organic ice cream bar:

Here the Great Emancipator rides away, off to save the world:

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