Wild Cheesman nights
0 comment Saturday, May 17, 2014 |
I know there's a completely different dynamic and rules for traffic in Cheesman Park than the rest of Denver, and after dark, there are a lot of different signals going between cars and pedestrians, single guys and other single guys, single guys and closeted-but-curious married men, and that dude who's always at the bus stop and anyone who drives by and looks like they might have 20 bucks for him. I had an interesting ride through on the way to meet Nick B. at St. Mark's tonight at about 6:50 p.m.
I'm the red dot. The blue dot is an expensive black sedan. I ride up behind the driver, who's creeping through park at about 10 mph, and I have my front flasher on because it's dark. I think my flashing light confuses the guy. He slows way down when I'm about 60 feet back, then slowly rolls forward.
When I get within 20 feet, the guy in the black sedan stops completely, right in the middle of the road. I pass him on the right, because it actually seems safer than passing on the left. I'm coming up on an expensive white sedan with handicap plates and a wheelchair lift on the back, no wheelchair, parked right next to the bus stop on the right. I start to swing out just to his right.
Just as I'm about five feet off the white sedan's bumper, he jerks his car out in front of me. I hit the brakes. I notice the black sedan's headlights are pretty bright coming from right behind me, like it's following pretty close. I follow the white car and am followed by the black car all the way to the other side of the park, where 12th Avenue exits.
The white sedan continues the loop around Cheesman, and I take a left onto 12th, followed by the black sedan. I can hear the driver hitting the gas pretty hard, and I nervously move to the left of the lane and turn onto Race Street as the black sedan zooms past me. I am thinking maybe somebody thought I was doing something other than riding my bike through the park tonight. I am not; I am just riding my bike through the park because I prefer it to 16th Avenue.
